Precious Blood primary School

Term 3 Registration Form

Music Instruments Lessons

We are excited to announce the upcoming musical instrument classes for the next term, starting in August 2024. Here are the key details you need to know to register your child and prepare for the term:

Term Activities

The third term is particularly special as it is our performance term. During this term, students will have the opportunity to showcase their progress and talents in a recital. This event will be a wonderful chance for learners to perform what they have been working on throughout the year.

Payment Information

  • Amount: 3,500
  • Paybill Number: 222432
  • Account: Please include your child’s name and class when making the payment.

Guidelines and Regulations

  1. Tuition Fees: A full term’s tuition fees must be paid at the beginning of each new term. Failure to do so will result in your child not being allowed to participate in the classes.
  2. Payment Submission: All fees should be paid by attaching the cash payment to this form.
  3. Class Attendance: It is crucial that all lessons are attended on the agreed-upon days and times. The school does not encourage lateness or missing classes by either party and will not extend learning hours beyond the agreed times unless at the teacher’s discretion.
  4. Refund Policy: No remission of fees will be made in case of illness, absence due to infection, overseas leave, or any other cause.
  5. Commencement of Learning: Learning will commence once the parent or sponsor has paid for the lessons and read, understood, and signed this Local Students Application form.

By registering your child, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions. We are looking forward to a productive and enjoyable term where our learners can develop their musical skills and confidence. Thank you for your cooperation and support.

Register here

Precious Blood Primary School Term 3 Music Instruments Registration Form